
guitar.jpgThis weekend I went to a club in Colchester. There are no clubs in Dovercourt and I really needed to get out so out I went. Through a girl that lives at my B&B I met this English bloke who studied Dutch at Sheffield University and he lives in Colchester. I could sleep at his place so that was great.

We first went to a pub called O’Neill’s. There was some live music which was quite nice but of course the club was all I could think about. Little bit of dancing, little bit of drinking, you know the drill ๐Ÿ˜‰ Little did I know that the clubs in England close at 01:00u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

There I stood at half past one in the morning out on the street again mentally prepared to go at it all night. Now I know why all the English people drink so fast. They need to get pissed before the place closes. The DJ wasn’t that great either. He played a lot of rock (which is quite interesting in a club where you would expect….. CLUB MAYBE???? :-P). But all in all, the night was quite fun. Had a good night sleep in a room with an in suite bathroom ๐Ÿ˜€ and a double bed. Great stuff. The next morning we got up at 10, we slept at half two or something so who can blame us ;-), and we had a full English breakfast which was really nice.

The rest of the weekend was really relaxing and I even managed to get some pictures of the sea while a thunderstorm was raging through Dovercourt (pictures taken by Big Bird :-P). You can see these pictures at my flickr site as you probably know by now (for the nitwits, right bottom corner of my blog ;-)) and you can also view some photo’s of my school that I took today.

I was very happy to get permission to take pictures of assembly, which is something completely new to me, and of the kids waiting in line at lunchtime. Hope you like them. Now I’m off to some Martial Art. Don’t know what it is yet. I will tell you later together with the explanation of what assembly is.



Explore posts in the same categories: Chase Lane, Personal

5 Comments on “Weekend”

  1. Henny/papa Says:

    Wat een nieuwe indrukken doe je op! En hier ga je pas om 1.00uur stappen.Dan begint het pas leuk te worden. Maar je kunt er zo te lezen wel mee omgaan.
    Ben benieuwd naar je sportclubje. Ik ben ook fanatiek aan het sporten. Ben lid geworden van eurofitniss.Op maandag, donderdag en zaterdag doe ik bodyshape en bodypower.En woensdag ga ik nog naar Harderwijk naar jazzballet. Fanatiek he?
    Maandag heb ik na body shape nog freestyle steps gedaan, maar dat vind ik niet zo leuk. het lijkt me niet zo goed voor mijn knieeen.
    Leuke fotos van je school.Assembly lijkt wel op een weeksluiting, maar dat zal het wel niet zijn. Als de kinderen lunchen, eet jij dan ook met hun mee? Lijkt me wel makkelijk, of is het fast food?
    OK Olav that’s all for now! Love and kiss

  2. Ingrid Says:


    Tijd geleden. hebben nog steeds geen internet. lijkt wel alsof we in de middeleeuwen zijn blijven hangen. (ook nog geen tv aaahhh)

    begrijp dat het zeer goed met je gaat behalve die clubs die om 01:00 sluiten. wat kan ik zegggen : JAMMER JOH. hihihi
    haal je hier straks maar in goed! gaan we stappen.

    goed, klein berichtje
    tot gauw ingrid

  3. Henny/papa Says:

    hi olav,
    heb je al wat gehoord van de belastingdienst. laat het me weten. ik vind het leuk
    te horen dat je al een beetje bent ingeburgerd. gebruik de resterende tijd
    om zo veel als mogelijk van land en volk op te steken. pappa

  4. Bub-Ah Says:

    Hey Amice,

    Waar blijven de nieuwe verhalen, ervaringen ect?


  5. MDA Says:

    Wazzup wazzup wazzup big brother?..
    how’s life over there? …
    I’m with mum and dad right now and i was talking about quitting school…
    cause maybe i will quit school…every day going to the same old boring school…it annoys me!…so i still work at Kantjil and then it will become a fulltime job.

    But i hear good things about you, that your having fun and that the clubs close at 1.00..that sucks man…
    oh yeah, i just met a girl that’s from england, she’s here for four years now and her dutch is astonishingly good…but if she speaks dutch you can still hear her accent =) ..that’s pretty funny =) …so this is my message..have a great time…and maybe i will be coming over in my upcoming holiday..i think that’s x-mas…so email me on:


    When can i come over?
    And is it ok if i maybe bring someone else along?

    So let me know big brother…
    Have a great time over there and don’t do things i wouldn’t do..=P
    Selamat malam..Saya Liat Kamu Pulang!!(I see you at home)


    Little brother

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